194 research outputs found

    Endmember learning with k-means through SCD model in hyperspectral scene reconstructions

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    This paper proposes a simple yet effective method for improving the efficiency of sparse coding dictionary learning (DL) with an implication of enhancing the ultimate usefulness of compressive sensing (CS) technology for practical applications, such as in hyperspectral imaging (HSI) scene reconstruction. CS is the technique which allows sparse signals to be decomposed into a sparse representation “a” of a dictionary Du" role="presentation" style="max-height: none; display: inline; line-height: normal; word-spacing: normal; overflow-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; position: relative;">Du . The goodness of the learnt dictionary has direct impacts on the quality of the end results, e.g., in the HSI scene reconstructions. This paper proposes the construction of a concise and comprehensive dictionary by using the cluster centres of the input dataset, and then a greedy approach is adopted to learn all elements within this dictionary. The proposed method consists of an unsupervised clustering algorithm (K-Means), and it is then coupled with an advanced sparse coding dictionary (SCD) method such as the basis pursuit algorithm (orthogonal matching pursuit, OMP) for the dictionary learning. The effectiveness of the proposed K-Means Sparse Coding Dictionary (KMSCD) is illustrated through the reconstructions of several publicly available HSI scenes. The results have shown that the proposed KMSCD achieves ~40% greater accuracy, 5 times faster convergence and is twice as robust as that of the classic Spare Coding Dictionary (C-SCD) method that adopts random sampling of data for the dictionary learning. Over the five data sets that have been employed in this study, it is seen that the proposed KMSCD is capable of reconstructing these scenes with mean accuracies of approximately 20–500% better than all competing algorithms adopted in this work. Furthermore, the reconstruction efficiency of trace materials in the scene has been assessed: it is shown that the KMSCD is capable of recovering ~12% better than that of the C-SCD. These results suggest that the proposed DL using a simple clustering method for the construction of the dictionary has been shown to enhance the scene reconstruction substantially. When the proposed KMSCD is incorporated with the Fast non-negative orthogonal matching pursuit (FNNOMP) to constrain the maximum number of materials to coexist in a pixel to four, experiments have shown that it achieves approximately ten times better than that constrained by using the widely employed TMM algorithm. This may suggest that the proposed DL method using KMSCD and together with the FNNOMP will be more suitable to be the material allocation module of HSI scene simulators like the CameoSim packag

    Image dehazing based on partitioning reconstruction and entropy-based alternating fast-weighted guided filters

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    A robust image dehazing algorithm based on the first-order scattering of the image degradation model is proposed. In this work, there are three contributions toward image dehazing: (i) a robust method for assessing the global irradiance from the most hazy-opaque regions of the imagery is proposed; (ii) more detailed depth information of the scene can be recovered through the enhancement of the transmission map using scene partitions and entropy-based alternating fast-weighted guided filters; and (iii) crucial model parameters are extracted from in-scene information. This paper briefly outlines the principle of the proposed technique and compares the dehazed results with four other dehazing algorithms using a variety of different types of imageries. The dehazed images have been assessed through a quality figure-of-merit, and experiments have shown that the proposed algorithm effectively removes haze and has achieved a much better quality of dehazed images than all other state-of-the-art dehazing methods employed in this work

    Sample selection with SOMP for robust basis recovery in sparse coding dictionary learning

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    Sparse Coding Dictionary (SCD) learning is to decompose a given hyperspectral image into a linear combination of a few bases. In a natural scene, because there is an imbalance in the abundance of materials, the problem of learning a given material well is directly proportional to its abundance in the training scene. By a random selection of pixels to train a given dictionary, the probability of bases learning a given material is proportional to its distribution in the scene. We propose to use SOMP residue for sample selection with each iteration for a more robust or ‘more complete’ learning. Experiments show that the proposed method learns from both background and trace materials accurately with over 0.95 in Pearson correlation coefficient. Furthermore, the proposed implementation has resulted in considerable improvements in Target Detection with Adaptive Cosine Estimator (ACE)

    A radiative transfer model-based multi-layered regression learning to estimate shadow map in hyperspectral images

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    The application of Empirical Line Method (ELM) for hyperspectral Atmospheric Compensation (AC) premises the underlying linear relationship between a material’s reflectance and appearance. ELM solves the Radiative Transfer (RT) equation under specialized constraint by means of in-scene white and black calibration panels. The reflectance of material is invariant to illumination. Exploiting this property, we articulated a mathematical formulation based on the RT model to create cost functions relating variably illuminated regions within a scene. In this paper, we propose multi-layered regression learning-based recovery of radiance components, i.e., total ground-reflected radiance and path radiance from reflectance and radiance images of the scene. These decomposed components represent terms in the RT equation and enable us to relate variable illumination. Therefore, we assume that Hyperspectral Image (HSI) radiance of the scene is provided and AC can be processed on it, preferably with QUick Atmospheric Correction (QUAC) algorithm. QUAC is preferred because it does not account for surface models. The output from the proposed algorithm is an intermediate map of the scene on which our mathematically derived binary and multi-label threshold is applied to classify shadowed and non-shadowed regions. Results from a satellite and airborne NADIR imagery are shown in this paper. Ground truth (GT) is generated by ray-tracing on a LIDAR-based surface model in the form of contour data, of the scene. Comparison of our results with GT implies that our algorithm’s binary classification shadow maps outperform other existing shadow detection algorithms in true positive, which is the detection of shadows when it is in ground truth. It also has the lowest false negative i.e., detecting non-shadowed region as shadowed, compared to existing algorithms

    An end-to-end hyperspectral scene simulator with alternate adjacency effect models and its comparison with cameoSim

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    In this research, we developed a new rendering-based end to end Hyperspectral scene simulator CHIMES (Cranfield Hyperspectral Image Modelling and Evaluation System), which generates nadir images of passively illuminated 3-D outdoor scenes in Visible, Near Infrared (NIR) and Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) regions, ranging from 360 nm to 2520 nm. MODTRAN TM (MODerate resolution TRANsmission), is used to generate the sky-dome environment map which includes sun and sky radiance along with the polarisation effect of the sky due to Rayleigh scattering. Moreover, we perform path tracing and implement ray interaction with medium and volumetric backscattering at rendering time to model the adjacency effect. We propose two variants of adjacency models, the first one incorporates a single spectral albedo as the averaged background of the scene, this model is called the Background One-Spectra Adjacency Effect Model (BOAEM), which is a CameoSim like model created for performance comparison. The second model calculates background albedo from a pixel’s neighbourhood, whose size depends on the air volume between sensor and target, and differential air density up to sensor altitude. Average background reflectance of all neighbourhood pixel is computed at rendering time for estimating the total upwelled scattered radiance, by volumetric scattering. This model is termed the Texture-Spectra Incorporated Adjacency Effect Model (TIAEM). Moreover, for estimating the underlying atmospheric condition MODTRAN is run with varying aerosol optical thickness and its total ground reflected radiance (TGRR) is compared with TGRR of known in-scene material. The Goodness of fit is evaluated in each iteration, and MODTRAN’s output with the best fit is selected. We perform a tri-modal validation of simulators on a real hyperspectral scene by varying atmospheric condition, terrain surface models and proposed variants of adjacency models. We compared results of our model with Lockheed Martin’s well-established scene simulator CameoSim and acquired Ground Truth (GT) by Hyspex cameras. In clear-sky conditions, both models of CHIMES and CameoSim are in close agreement, however, in searched overcast conditions CHIMES BOAEM is shown to perform better than CameoSim in terms of ℓ1 -norm error of the whole scene with respect to GT. TIAEM produces better radiance shape and covariance of background statistics with respect to Ground Truth (GT), which is key to good target detection performance. We also report that the results of CameoSim have a many-fold higher error for the same scene when the flat surface terrain is replaced with a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) based rugged one

    Rapid estimation of orthogonal matching pursuit representation

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    Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) has proven itself to be a significant algorithm in image and signal processing domain in the last decade to estimate sparse representations in dictionary learning. Over the years, efforts to speed up the OMP algorithm for the same accuracy has been through variants like generalized OMP (g-OMP) and fast OMP (f-OMP). All of these algorithms solve OMP recursively for each signal sample among ‘S’ number of samples. The proposed rapid OMP (r-OMP) runs the loop for ‘N’ atoms, simultaneously estimating for all samples, and, in a real scene since Nâ‰ȘS , the proposed approach speeds up OMP by several orders of magnitude. Experiment on a real scene with a popular dictionary learning algorithm, K-SVD, show that the proposed r-OMP completes K-SVD in ≈4% of the computational time compared to using OM

    Range images

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    This article gives an overview of range‐imaging techniques with an aim to let the reader better understand how the difficult issue, such as the registration of overlapping range images, can be approached and solved. It firstly introduces the characteristics of range images and highlights examples of 3D image visualizations, associated technical issues, applications, and the differences of range imaging with respect to the traditional digital broadband imaging. Subsequently, one of the most popular feature extraction and matching methods, the signature of histograms of orientations (SHOT) method, is then outlined. However, the “matched” points generated by SHOT usually generate high proportion of false positives due to various factors such as imaging noise, lack of features, and cluttered backgrounds. Thus, the article discusses more about image‐matching issues, particularly to emphasize how the widely employed range image alignment technique, the random sample consensus (RANSAC) method, is compared with a simple, yet effective, technique based on normalized error penalization (NEP). This simple NEP method utilizes a strategy to penalize point matches whose errors are far away from the majority. The capability of the method for the evaluation of point matches between overlapping range images is illustrated by experiments using real range image data sets. Interestingly enough, these range images appear to be easier to register than expected. Finally, some conclusions have been drawn and further readings for other fundamental techniques and concepts have been suggested

    Target recognitions in multiple camera CCTV using colour constancy

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    People tracking using colour feature in crowded scene through CCTV network have been a popular and at the same time a very difficult topic in computer vision. It is mainly because of the difficulty for the acquisition of intrinsic signatures of targets from a single view of the scene. Many factors, such as variable illumination conditions and viewing angles, will induce illusive modification of intrinsic signatures of targets. The objective of this paper is to verify if colour constancy (CC) approach really helps people tracking in CCTV network system. We have testified a number of CC algorithms together with various colour descriptors, to assess the efficiencies of people recognitions from real multi-camera i-LIDS data set via Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC). It is found that when CC is applied together with some form of colour restoration mechanisms such as colour transfer, the recognition performance can be improved by at least a factor of two. An elementary luminance based CC coupled with a pixel based colour transfer algorithm, together with experimental results are reported in the present paper

    Extinction and permanence of the predator-prey system with general functional response and impulsive control

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    Traditional approach for modelling the evolution of populations in the predator-prey ecosystem has commonly been undertaken using specific impulsive response function, and this kind of modelling is applicable only for a specific ecosystem under certain environ- mental situations only. This paper attempts to fill the gap by modelling the predator-prey ecosystem using a ‘generalized’ impulsive response function for the first time. Different from previous research, the present work develops the modelling for an integrated pest management (IPM) especially when the stocking of predator (natural enemy) and the har- vesting of prey (pest) occur impulsively and at different instances of time. The paper firstly establishes the sufficient conditions for the local and the global stabilities of prey eradica- tion periodic solution by applying the Floquet theorem of the Impulsive different equation and small amplitude perturbation under a ‘generalized’ impulsive response function. Sub- sequently the sufficient condition for the permanence of the system is given through the comparison techniques. The corollaries of the theorems that are established by using the ‘general impulsive response function’ under the locally asymptotically stable condition are found to be in excellent agreement with those reported previously. Theoretical results that are obtained in this work is then validated by using a typical impulsive response func- tion (Holling type-II) as an example, and the outcome is shown to be consistent with the previously reported results. Finally, the implication of the developed theories for practical pest management is illustrated through numerical simulation. It is shown that the elim- ination of either the preys or the pest can be effectively deployed by making use of the theoretical model established in this work. The developed model is capable to predict the population evolutions of the predator-prey ecosystem to accommodate requirements such as: the combinations of the biological control, chemical control, any functional response function, the moderate impulsive period, the harvest rate for the prey and predator pa- rameter and the incremental stocking of the predator paramete

    Fast implementation of two-dimensional singular spectrum analysis for effective data classification in hyperspectral imaging

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    Although singular spectrum analysis (SSA) has been successfully applied for data classification in hyperspectral remote sensing, it suffers from extremely high computational cost, especially for 2D-SSA. As a result, a fast implementation of 2D-SSA namely F-2D-SSA is presented in this paper, where the computational complexity has been significantly reduced with a rate up to 60%. From comprehensive experiments undertaken, the effectiveness of F-2D-SSA is validated producing a similar high-level of accuracy in pixel classification using support vector machine (SVM) classifier, yet with a much reduced complexity in comparison to conventional 2D-SSA. Therefore, the introduction and evaluation of F-2D-SSA completes a series of studies focused on SSA, where in this particular research, the reduction in computational complexity leads to potential applications in mobile and embedded devices such as airborne or satellite platforms
